I started pulling together lots of kiting locations into a google map with mini hints and links to local clubs etc.
I started with mostly local sites I'd been to but I've been growing my collection and it's up to quite a lot now across most of the UK.
The colour scheme, is described in the map description.
If anyone has any sites, I'm willing to add them so send them over as a google map link to the exact location, GPS co-ordinates or failing that a post code.
Green = known good
Blue = untested site
Yellow = known restricted
Red = known ban
Purple = special site, e.g., shop & flying zone
Yellow basket = shop
If you're interested in providing locations, links, mini reviews or joining in as a collaborator then please PM me with your email address so I can add you into the google map. Collaborators get to edit the map directly so a few more to do this would be useful.
I personally find it useful as I can overlay it when I'm using google maps and see where the nearest kite spot is to where I may end up travelling. You can also get directions to sites by just clicking on the site and selecting "Directions : To Here'. Very handy.